I literally have no clue what I’m doing.

I started WDTN in a van, moved to a warehouse and now I’m consolidated in a house

All of this is made up on the spot. I don’t have some plan for tomorrow, I just really try my hardest to focus on today.

Focusing on tomorrow usually overwhelms me and keeps me from moving forward, because I miss out on the NOW which is the only thing that exist.

Having a plan in life is crucial, but now I make sure to take action TODAY when creating them.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wanted to crawl under a fucking rock to never emerge again through this whole process:
-Growing a brand
-Growing personally
-Identity consolidation (who am I)
-Trial and error practices
-Practicing gratitude
-Understanding/controlling my emotions
-Creating routine
-Reclaiming my Mind, Body & Spirit
-And this list literally goes on...

What’s the point? I don’t know , but I know If I gave in to my self limiting beliefs none of this would be possible.

We don’t need to have it all figured out,we just need to make sure we keep walking fearlessly into the unknown of dreams.

Why make splash in life when we can #makewaves

I hope this helps someone else out there who thinks they’re drowning but really aren’t

I started WDTN in a van, moved to a warehouse and now I’m consolidated in a house

All of this is made up on the spot. I don’t have some plan for tomorrow, I just really try my hardest to focus on today.

Focusing on tomorrow usually overwhelms me and keeps me from moving forward, because I miss out on the NOW which is the only thing that exist.

Having a plan in life is crucial, but now I make sure to take action TODAY when creating them.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wanted to crawl under a fucking rock to never emerge again through this whole process:
-Growing a brand
-Growing personally
-Identity consolidation (who am I)
-Trial and error practices
-Practicing gratitude
-Understanding/controlling my emotions
-Creating routine
-Reclaiming my Mind, Body & Spirit
-And this list literally goes on...

What’s the point? I don’t know , but I know If I gave in to my self limiting beliefs none of this would be possible.

We don’t need to have it all figured out,we just need to make sure we keep walking fearlessly into the unknown of dreams.

Why make splash in life when we can #makewaves

I hope this helps someone else out there who thinks they’re drowning but really aren’t